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Chapter 5
Overview of Eras


Genesis (1)

Historically the Pre-Israel Era is covered in Genesis. At the end of Genesis Joseph (a type of deliverer) invites his Father, brothers and their families to Egypt (70) where they are graciously accepted by Pharaoh.


Exodus (2)

In the Book of Exodus, we pick up the story with the Israelites growing to over 2 million people and the Egyptians beginning to feel threatened by their presence. At some point they become enslaved by the Egyptians. God raises up a man to be the deliverer of the people by the name of Moses. God through Moses effects a deliverance through the 10 plagues, the Passover, and the crossing of the Red Sea. Because of the whining and complaining of the people, God puts them through 40 years of wandering. In that wandering Moses receives the 10 Commandments and instructions for the people of God, which are contained in the BOOKS OF LEVITICUS (3), NUMBERS (4), AND DEUTERONOMY (5). These 5 books are called the Law.


Joshua (1)

Before crossing the Jordon River into the “Promised Land” God transfer the mantle of leadership to Joshua. The book of Joshua describes the conquest of most of the land and the division of the land to the 12 tribes that make up Israel.

Judges (2)

The book of Judges describes the God appointed leadership of 12 Judges. Each one of the Judges are called up to deliver Israel from its enemies. This occurs when the people and leaders depart from Gods protection by disobeying His Laws (Deuteronomy 28).

Ruth (3)

Is a beautiful story set during the times of the Judges. It is about the relationship between 2 women, Naomi and her daughter-in-law Ruth. It is a story of faithfulness and adoption in the midst of tragic loss. It is also a powerful story of Boaz the Kinsman-Redeemer (deliverer), who restores Ruth to her rightful place and position.


1 Samuel (4)

  1. Transition of Leadership Eli to Samuel
    1. Both were Prophets/Judges
  2. The Judgeship of Samuel
  3. Transition of Leadership Samuel to Saul, Theocracy to Monarchy
  4. Reign of King Saul
    1. Saul’s weakness- listening to people instead of God
  5. Transition of Leadership Saul to David
    1. Persecution by Saul

2 Samuel (5) & 1 Chronicles (7)

  1. David’s Triumphs
  • Politically
  • Spiritually
  • Military
  1. Sin of Adultery and Murder
  2. Troubles in David’s House
  3. Troubles in The Kingdom

1 Kings (6) & 2 Chronicles (8)

  1. Establishment of Solomon
  2. Rise of Solomon
  3. Decline of Solomon
  • Rehoboam- The spiritually blind leading the blind